3rd LUH Usable Security and Privacy Conference (Seminar) 2026

This conference is only for participants of the conference seminar WS 2025/26!

Registration via Stud.IP is required. If you do not get a place in the conference seminar, you will unfortunately not be able to attend the conference or submit a paper.

Note on the course of the seminar

There are only three (compulsory) lectures and the (compulsory) conference. Independent work takes place in the meantime.

The LUH Usable Security and Privacy Conference invites students to scientific exchange on IT security and privacy topics. It brings together literature workers, practitioners and researchers in human factors and usability. All researchers are encouraged to submit their papers fitting these topics.

Contact Information

For questions related to paper submissions, please send email to: konferenzseminar-usp@itsec.uni-hannover.de

For questions related to the organisation of LUH Usable Security and Privacy Conference please send email to: konferenzseminar-usp@itsec.uni-hannover.de